OneTreePlanted Partnership
Climate change is a hot topic.
Many experts agree that reforesting our planet is critical if we are to reverse biodiversity loss and head off the worst of climate change. Trees provide habitat to animals, store water, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis; they are thus a strong best ally to fight climate change. Forests also provide jobs to approximately 1.6 billion people worldwide. Because PS Furniture uses plywood in our legacy products we feel it is imperative that we take concrete steps to “give back”.
We are partnering with a premier reforestation program OneTreePlanted. Under this initiative, beginning in May 2022, we will donate $1.00 for every Acton® Chair purchased to their vigorous One-for-One program. For every dollar donated OneTreePlanted plants one tree. Buy 1 Acton® Chair = Plant 1 Tree!
OneTreePlanted has planted more than 40MM trees since 2014. Our participation in the program will be to repopulate forests in the Americas, where a super majority of the trees sourced for our products are from. We will plant these trees in areas where we source raw materials such as palm, soya, paper, coffee, or coconut, and where precious forested ecosystems such as forests, mangroves – hotspots for biodiversity – have been depleted. As the forests are restored, we will also ai to protect and restore other valuable ecosystems such as wetlands, peatlands and grasslands.
Reforestation programs are divided into two broad categories: ‘offsetting’ and ‘insetting’ programs. In the case of carbon offsetting programs, the planting of trees occurs in a location different from where the company’s greenhouse gas emissions originate. This is to do with the PS Furniture program plan. All trees will be planted under the supervision of the World Resources Institute, a leading environmental organization in the field of sustainable agriculture.
When forests thrive everyone stands to benefit; farmers and their communities, species who need and use the forest for their habitat, loggers and arborists who are employed and all of us via a stronger ecosystem.